

The place that encourages you to experience the best moments.


From the porch, you can see the sky...

... the garden, the moon, the sunset. It is often possible to see even the sea waves. It is on the porch that we can rest, sit down to read, it is where the family gathers to eat or talk. Porch is also a place to watch life goes by...
Juliana Pippi, architect invited by DonaFlor, searched for inspiration in her childhood memory to idealize the launching concept of 2020 collection.

“Varanda reminds me of my grandmother's house in Tijucas, in Santa Catarina Coast, where I used to play for hours, watching the rain fall,” says Juliana, author of the scenario set up in showrooms in six Brazilian capitals.


The project, called Varanda – Céu edition, celebrated the company's 15th anniversary proposing connecting the splendor of nature with the area of the house that most promotes well-being.
In shades of blue and white and with handcrafted objects by Brazilian designers, the scenography exposed DonaFlor's versatile furniture signed by a team of professionals who know how to express the freshness and joviality of the brand.

We are enthusiasts of the moments we experience outdoors and our greatest desire is to be able to offer our expertise for you to create spaces for relaxation or social life that awaken the senses and register the best memories.

The splendor of nature with the area of the house that most promotes well-being.

Mila Rodrigues

"Along with Varanda DonaFlor project, we assumed the real role of the furniture industry: we are ahead of research and creation, presenting our identity and our values to the market. When developing our products, we take care of every detail to provide not only design, but also emotion. Our goal is to promote happy and well-being moments at people's homes."

Mila Rodrigues


Marcelo Yamasita

"Since the company's foundation, 15 years ago, I have been concerned with the visual issue. Varanda DonaFlor concept is about this search for excellence and it helps to consolidate our identity within the stores. Our main goal is the design in its essence, focusing on ergonomics, finish quality and innovation. Inspiration comes from nature, music, pleasurable sensations, this is the real DNA of the brand. We have become a milestone in this segment in Brazil with passion and solidity."

Marcelo Yamasita

Commercial Director

Juliana Pippi

"For me, Varanda is an affective term. It reminds me of my grandmother's house. And when thinking about my relationship with this space, the sky came to my mind, representing this search for outdoor life. It inspired me to create an environment with shades of blue and white and with versatile furniture that meets the several activities that Varanda can accommodate, whether as a place for work, social life or relaxation."

Juliana Pippi
