09 AUGUST, 2018

Going back to Nature

The hardness of every day rut can be ruthless, invading our home and taking away the time for relaxing and rest. With this, is almost necessary to have at home a sanctuary, a place to call safe haven, a refuge from the world that doesn’t even require leaving the house. 

This is what DonaFlor aims to achieve with the designs that are our trademarks, to let you in that space, that private oasis, that experience of contact with nature in your own home, to have that space that provides you a bond between your life and a special time with nature. Through elegant and intelligent design, with a lot of color, comfort and textures
our pieces can provide that feeling. 
Ana by Paulo Aves

Anauê by Daniela Ferro

Aram by Daniela Ferro

Birdhouse by Lattoog

Duty by Adolini+Simonini

Rudã by Daniela Ferro

Skyfolding by Adolini+Simonini

Yby by Marcelo Bicudo


DonaFlor Mobília

+55 43 3251-4917

DonaFlor Mobília
Rodovia Mello Peixoto, 1271.
Cambé / PR. 86185 700