22 NOVEMBER, 2018

What really matters in the décor

The tones, the sensorial feelings and the likability are a few of the things that matter in a decoration composition. Personal references and vision are essential to compose a living space. 

Combinations that define the stigma in what really goes together, creativity, inspiration and harmony are what really gives a home style.
The main subject that can’t be ignored when composing a space inspiration, it is nature. Not only for color, but shapes and sizes, the lightness and the curves and the color, what better than that to feel relaxed at home. 

Elements of the minimalist style, with a bit of bossa in the designs and natural material that mixed together have an industrial and kind of garden feel to it are amazing when put together in harmony. It is simple, clean, beautiful, artsy and elegant. All to make your home feel like a refuge of rest and relaxation. 


DonaFlor Mobília

+55 43 3251-4917

DonaFlor Mobília
Rodovia Mello Peixoto, 1271.
Cambé / PR. 86185 700